Watch the video below to unblock and open your third eye!

WARNING! I am raw, honest and vulnerable in this video. I show you exactly how to unblock an energy centre using my own personal experiences. I recorded this video at home in my office to give you the best glimpse of what to expect in a session.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not exactly what happens in a clearing session. You will be guided by me to FULLY unblock your stuck energy, trapped emotions and re-write limiting beliefs. I’m on auto-pilot here because I’ve been doing this for so long and I KNOW how to unblock without going through all the steps.

I hope you enjoy this mini session and it opens up your third eye! xo Christina

To find out more about my programs go to:

UPLEVEL ACCELERATOR™ : is a nine-week program for entrepreneurs, creators and leaders that aligns body, mind and spirit; clears stuck energy, emotions and trauma; and supercharges your physical body with nutrients for optimal performance and creation.

This program includes a creation map – which is what you want to create in eight areas of your life – as well as personalized nutrition and clearing of eight energy centres. This is a full system reboot – you will not be the same person after this program.


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Big Beautiful Sky helps you achieve success with subconscious reprogramming. Founded by hypnotherapist and nutritionist Christina Cannes.
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