
What is Trauma?

by Christina

Trauma is so misunderstood.

We often mistakenly believe that trauma is always an extreme physical event or injury such as a car accident, gunshot or deceased loved one. But trauma is not limited to or defined by its “size” or context.

Trauma can be as subtle as someone telling you that you “look fat” or as large as being held hostage at gunpoint. The way we experience, interpret and react to any and all traumas determines how much they affect us.

Trauma Defined

Trauma is defined as any experience – no matter how big or small – that disconnects us from our true “self.” Also, any experience that dysregulates our emotions, thoughts, body, health or spirit is considered trauma.

Traumas program us to use protective processes to keep us safe. These processes, which are stored in our body and nervous system, do keep us safe, but they can also go into over-drive and prevent us from experiencing and achieving what we desire in life.

Trauma can manifest as feelings of constant states of fight-flight-freeze, anxiety, flashbacks, depression or looping (same patterns presenting in your life over and over again).

“Once we recognize that the experiences within our societal institutions such as schools, hospitals, and churches are characterized by chronic evaluations that trigger feelings of danger and threat, we can see that these institutions can be as disruptive to health as political unrest, fiscal crisis, or war.”

― Stephen W. Porges

Trauma Classifications

Generally speaking, trauma is defined as a response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing. A traumatic experience(s) can also be something that threatens a person’s life, safety or the lives of people around them.

The response can be physical, mental or emotional. A traumatic event could be an accident, an illness or injury, losing a loved one, domestic violence or abuse. However, it can also encompass the far extreme and include experiences that are severely damaging, such as rape, torture or war.

Experience is subjective, therefore, everyone processes a traumatic event differently (because we all face them through the lens of prior experiences in our lives). Since trauma reactions fall across a wide spectrum, there are categories as a way to differentiate between types of trauma. Among them are complex trauma, intergenerational trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), developmental trauma disorder and relational trauma.

Not all trauma can be classified into a disorder – disorders usually involve exposure to trauma over a period of time. In fact, disorder isn’t the best way to describe trauma. Trauma is the response you created to stay safe – it’s not so much a disorder, but rather a response.

Complex Trauma

Complex trauma can occur during childhood or adulthood. It is an experience of repeated traumatic events such as abuse or neglect, or social trauma such as war or cultural dislocation. Its effects on mental and physical health can be long-lasting – impacting on emotional health, wellbeing, relationships and daily functioning.

Intergenerational Trauma

Intergenerational trauma is passed down through the generations, from the survivors who directly experienced or witnessed the traumatic events to their children. It can lead to higher rates of addiction and mental ill health, in addition to increased rates of family violence and incarceration. In Australia, it is commonly associated with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and in North America to Native American populations.

Post-Traumatic Stress

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Most people who go through traumatic events may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but with time and good self-care, they usually get better. If the symptoms get worse, last for months or even years, and interfere with your day-to-day functioning, you may have PTSD.

Developmental Trauma

Developmental trauma disorder forms during a child’s first three years of life. The result of abuse, neglect, and/or abandonment, developmental trauma interferes with the infant or child’s neurological, cognitive, and psychological development. It disrupts the victim’s ability to attach to an adult caregiver. An adult who inflicts developmental trauma usually doesn’t do it intentionally – rather, it happens because they are not aware of the social and emotional needs of children.

Relational Trauma

Relational trauma is the experience of repeated neglect, abuse, bullying, or other type of behavior that causes lasting psychological harm. It’s usually perpetrated by a family member or other close loved one, and the repercussions are serious and long-term. Someone who has gone through relational trauma will struggle to form healthy, happy relationships with other people.

What Happens After Trauma?

It’s different for everyone and depends on the person and the severity and length of exposure to the trauma. Some people could feel:

• Emotional numbness and detachment – feeling cut off from what happened, other people, and yourself

• Shock and disbelief – that the event happened

• Fear – of death or injury, being alone, not being able to cope, or the event happening again

• Helplessness – feeling that you have no control• avoidance – of things that remind you of the event

• Negative thoughts or feelings – about the world or the reaction to the event

• Guilt or shame – for not having stopped the event, or for being better off than others, or for not reacting better or coping well enough

• Sadness – for things that have gone or been lost

• Isolation – feeling that nobody understands or can help

• Joy – relief at being alive and safe

• Anger and frustration – about the event, or the unfairness of it

• Re-experiencing the event – through dreams, flashbacks or thoughts

• Changes in relationships – feeling distant from others.

The effects of post-traumatic stress disorder can include the following:

• Headaches

• Changes in appetite and weight

• Racing heart and/or prolonged anxiety

• Shaking or sweating

• Trouble sleeping

• Difficulty concentrating

• Emotional changes, like mood swings, anxiety, or a quick temper• difficulty with school or work

• Withdrawal from friends and family

• Problems keeping up with normal daily activities

• Risk-taking, including increased use of alcohol and other drugs

• Being overly alert or watchful.

• Reminders of the traumatic event that are distressing. These could include: dreams, flashbacks, thoughts or memories of the event coming back unexpectedly, physiological reactions that remind you of the event

• Avoiding things that remind you of the event. This can include avoiding specific people, places, or events. It can also include efforts to avoid any unwanted memories, thoughts or feelings

• Changes to mood and thinking. For example these can include major changes to beliefs about oneself, others or the world, as well as major changes to your emotional state (that gets in the way of living the life you want to live).

It’s important to get help if these changes have been happening for one month or longer; keep getting worse; interfere with school, work, your relationships or activities that you enjoy; cause distress or upset you; make you think of harming yourself or someone else.

How to Heal Trauma

What we do know is that trauma affects everyone differently and depending on the degree and frequency of trauma its affects vary but are lasting. Trauma gets trapped in the body and our energy fields.

To free this trapped energy (trauma), there are a number of ways to approach healing trauma – EMDR, somatic experiencing, neurofeedback – but I’ve found that none of them are as quick and effective as BELIEF HACKING™.

We are multidimensional beings in a multidimensional world with invisible parts, such as meridians, chakras, auras, spirits and souls, as well as the physical body and all its organs. All thoughts and beliefs are invisible. They, in turn, trap invisible energy and transform it into potential energy, then this potential energy crystallizes into the stress point of the body in its own separate dimension of time. By using spirit, we unfold time and clear the trauma from their experience at the root cause.

Oftentimes, traumas and experiences in our life also link back to past lives. Using spirit, we can also clear the trauma from past lives that are affecting you now.

When we experience a trauma – that event and our response to it (emotions + beliefs) – can become trapped in our body and energy field which is why we feel as though we “never got over it” or the effects seem to happen to us over and over again. This is also called “looping” as it feels like (to our bodies) that the trauma keeps happening over and over.

Or it can be triggered off by something or someone familiar.

For example, as a child you may have been “disciplined” harshly by a parent. Along with this physical abuse, you lock in the emotions of fear, anger and devastation among others. The beliefs you lock in could be “I’m bad” or “I’m not worthy of love.” These emotions and beliefs can become “frozen” in time and whenever you feel you are being “punished” for not “following the rules” in the future, this dimension of time is triggered off, thus keeping you looping into this state of fear, anger and devastation along with the beliefs “I’m bad” and “I’m not worthy of love” as well as the unconscious understanding that if “I don’t follow the rules and do as I’m told, I will be punished.”

We don’t want that!

Based on my own personal experience and training, the quickest and most effective way to heal trauma, is to use a modality I created called BELIEF HACKING™. BELIEF HACKING™ clears the experience, emotions, beliefs and trauma from our physical bodies, energetic field and time-track (past, present and future).

BELIEF HACKING™ works by accessing the dimension where the trauma (root cause) was first created and clearing it.

BELIEF HACKING™ quickly and easily removes trapped energy, emotions, trauma and limiting beliefs from the body and subconscious mind.

BELIEF HACKING™ accesses the root cause using the body’s information system (the subconscious) to pinpoint the first age in this lifetime a traumatic or negative imprinting experience occurred.

Sometimes the root cause can also link back to other lifetimes, but usually the blockage is related to something that occurred between the ages of 0-7.

Once cleared from the physical and energetic bodies, the looping, sabotage patterns and feelings of stuckness subside and you can freely move through the former trauma into a new level of creation.

The emotions, experience and beliefs locked in during the trauma are cleared as are your physical or mental symptoms caused by the trauma.

I also combine my knowledge of nutrition and nervous system regulation to help clear the effects of trauma from the physical body. It’s truly a mind-body-spirit reboot.


Because of trauma we can often feel stuck or trapped and as though our lives will never improve. Studies have proven that talk therapy does not heal trauma – trauma is not a cognitive issue. It’s stored in the body/mind (subconscious).

If you have experienced a trauma, please get in touch and let’s use BELIEF HACKING™ to unfold time and clear the root cause.

Book in for a single BECOME LIMITLESS™ session and I’ll use BELIEF HACKING™ to clear trauma, stuck energy, emotions, blocks and limitations from your body/mind (subconscious) and apply nutrition and homework to encourage trauma processing and emotional regulation.

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Big Beautiful Sky helps you achieve success with subconscious reprogramming. Founded by hypnotherapist and nutritionist Christina Cannes.
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