Saturn, The Most Misunderstood Planet in Astrology

by Christina

Saturn transits always seem to require a sacrifice—of the old self, the old way of being, doing or having.

Saturn strips away and lightens the load, but only after a fight. Saturn will try to have the upper hand. The way to beat Saturn is to do what he has been asking you to do all along—and do it well.

He’ll be back to check, and he demands perfection. He is honing you, molding you, turning you ever so slowly into what you should be but also resisting the most.

This is why the energy is so confusing—like a good parent, the vegetables are healthy, going to bed early is best and doing your homework does make things easier. Best to adhere, stay the course and go the distance.

Saturn shows us the lead, and we must turn it into gold.

Through Saturn, we also make and break agreements, sign or void contracts and grapple with the ramifications of past-life issues and karma.

The experience of Saturn gives us authority—that is what you take away from his placement and transits.

Saturn feels all-encompassing, like a wet blanket thrown on top of a fire. When he aspects, pay attention, but do not let him put out your light. Eventually, he will pass on by like a ghost in the night or Satan back to hell.

Sometimes, I wonder what would happen if we took off his rings.

From Richard Tarnas:

Called the Great Malefic in traditional astrology, Saturn is lord of the realm of finitude, imperfection, and mortality. At a deep level, Saturn can be seen as the archetypal birth labor of existence: that which constricts and limits, rigidifies, alienates, cuts one off from the primal union, makes us die to the womb–but also that which incarnates us, gives us embodiment, form, firmness, substance, material reality.

Saturn is, therefore often symbolized as a skeleton, both as a symbol of death, the ultimate consuming power of time, but also as the skeletal structure and foundation of things, without which there would be no form, no stability, no supporting frame of strength and solidity which has slowly evolved through time and experience.

Saturn makes us stand alone and know solitude; it separates us from others-from the womb when we are born, from our childhood family as we grow older, and from everyone as we face our death. Yet it is also Saturn that makes us who we are, that disciplines and orders our existence until it has sculpted our essence.

Transits involving Saturn regularly mark periods of major developmental importance, often bringing times of personal trial, but also of deep maturation and the establishment of significant life structures involving one’s career, important relationships, or major karmic responsibilities.

Perhaps the main thing to remember–or to adopt as a working hypothesis–is that Saturn indicates that which we have chosen to work with and through in this life in order to achieve a higher level of spiritual awareness.

From Liz Greene:

It is possible that each delay, disappointment, or fear may be utilised as a means for greater insight into the mysterious mechanisms of psyche, and that through these experiences we may gradually learn to perceive the meaning of our own lives.

Human beings do not earn free will except through self-discovery, and they do not attempt self-discovery until things become so painful that they have no other choice.

Saturn gives you the “thrill of psychological freedom.”

Did you pass the Saturn test?

It is through him alone that we may achieve eventual freedom through self-understanding.

From Sue Tompkins:

Beyond all else, Saturn represents fear, and and many of the problems and difficulties surrounding this planet can be traced to this single root principle. When Saturn contacts a planet in our chart, we tend to be frightened of expressing those things symbolized by that planet. More than that, we feel unable to express them, for we feel awkward in that area of ourselves.

Saturn has been linked with the Jungian idea of the “shadow” —that part of ourselves which we not only attempt to hide from others but successfully conceal from ourselves as well. We hide Saturn by attempting to package up our fears into some socially acceptable form or by pretending that we are adept in this awkward area of ourselves. So whilst Saturn may well describe our Achillles’ heel, we can often manage to hide this aspect of ourselves, even from ourselves.

From Jordan Maxwell:

Saturn & Secret Societies, an interesting deep dive into religion and the occult and the influence of Saturn on both:

From David Icke:

This requires an open mind. Saturn and the Moon are working together to trap us in the matrix—you can even hear the sound Saturn makes in this video (it’s terrifying).

If you want to learn more about your own astrology, check out AstroIdentity™ to book a reading.

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